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          Cosmetic knowledge
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          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

          Contact : Mr. Yang

          Phone:132 6667 9487



          Address: 4th Floor, Building A, 30A, Xiwang Industrial Zone, Tiantangwei Village, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

          Cosmetic knowledge
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          How to quickly restore skin moisture overnight.

          Release time:2019-07-20 14:19:09  Number of visits:1004

          It is said that night is the golden time for skin to recuperate, nourish and regenerate, and reserve vitality. If we can make good use of night time to repair skin, the skin will become glorious the next day! Speaking of night skin care, according to the function of night cream, Foshan Cosmetic School said that the most important three aspects of intensive care - "moisturizing", "whitening" and "anti-aging". The special care products used in these three types of nursing, such as essence or night cream, can be used as night necessities when active metabolism is active at night. With various plant moisturizing ingredients, hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid as the main formula, it can penetrate into the bottom of the skin to strengthen the water self mechanism. Of course, Jianyang North Ying International makeup training teacher summed up that when the skin is in the moist state, apply a mask full of replenishment essence, and let the skin drink enough water in a semi compulsive way, so that the moisture condition of the skin can be quickly restored overnight.

          In my eyes, cosmeticians are basically not unemployed. There are many opportunities for work. It depends on whether you really want to do it. Many cosmeticians will not be unable to find a job after graduation. The reason why they can't find a job is not because of poor technology, but because they have many high-level ideas in their hearts and feel the company of the other party. I can't give myself what I want, so I quit my job. In fact, the position of cosmetics is in short supply, but there are many cosmeticians positioning themselves early, after graduation do not want to be a studio, do not want to be an assistant, some want to enter the advertising industry cosmetics, some want to open stores and so on. I think too much and neglect that I am a new graduate, and I also forget that what I lack at present is job opportunities. Unconsciously miss opportunities when they have the opportunity to appear in front of you

          • Phone

            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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