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          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

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          How to get rid of red blood silk? Are you ready for the most effective season change?

          Release time:2019-07-20 14:17:30  Number of visits:974

          1. Stimulated by Climate

          Yangchun March, the rapid warming of temperature, is the high incidence of various skin diseases, coupled with this period of temperature fluctuations, the skin is very vulnerable to changes in the weather, so that the skin presents an unstable state, often allergic, red, tingling and itching.

          2. Improper use of skin care products

          There is a saying called "emergency medical treatment". Some products just take advantage of people's psychology to tell you that they can thoroughly improve and reverse your sensitive red blood silk in a short time. But in fact, the more immediate the product is, the more hormones will be added. If you use this kind of cosmetics for a long time, the more immediate the product is, the more hormones will be added. The skin is easy to rely on, red blood silk and recurrent small papules will appear, thus forming red spots. Once stopped, the red blood silk on the face is as crazy as more and more, and then for other products, red blood silk is still uncontrolled, so the selection of products is very important.

          3. Cortical damage

          Many people choose to use some cosmetic instruments to remove red blood silk quickly. Although these methods are fast, they severely damage the cuticle. Frequent exfoliation and the use of products containing hormones can also lead to thinning of the cuticle and skin damage. The cuticle of the face is like a natural protective layer of the skin! After thinning, the natural protective layer of the skin will cause damage, the ability of the skin to resist external stimuli will be reduced, and skin problems such as allergic red blood silk will occur.

          How to remove red blood silk most effectively to replenish water to skin

          Red-blooded skin should keep its skin moist under all circumstances, and summer is a season of sweating, red-blooded skin is no exception. In autumn and winter, what you have to do is to pay off the debt of negligent skin care in summer - lack of water, dryness and so on, so as to lay a good foundation for moisturizing the skin. Because the beauty of skin in autumn and winter can only be achieved on moist and healthy skin, which is safe and efficient.

          How to remove red blood silk is the most effective ~pay attention to sunscreen

          Red blood silk skin should be strengthened daily protection. Because the skin's epidermis is thin, lacks the ability to defend against ultraviolet rays, and is prone to aging, we should pay attention to the use of sunscreen products. The ingredients of sunscreen products are also one of the factors that can easily stimulate the skin. It is better not to apply them directly on the skin, but to apply sunscreen products after applying basic maintenance products.

          4. How to Remove Red Blood Silk Most Effective Professional Repair Products

          Because professional repair products can repair the red blood silk problem caused by external stimulation from the root, and can inject new energy into the skin, improve skin immunity!

          • Phone

            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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