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          Cosmetic knowledge
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          Cosmetic knowledge
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          Select makeup remover oil according to skin quality and remove it until it is clean.

          Release time:2019-07-20 14:16:39  Number of visits:1172

          In cosmetic products, the most controversial is whether to use or not the makeup oil? How to use it? Now the mystery is solved.

          Scandal about makeup remover oil

          The most famous anti-makeup oil expert is Japan's godmother Sauber Qianjin, who wrote in her book, "A bottle of makeup oil contains about the same amount of active agent as a bottle of kitchen detergent, which is very bad for the skin." And many people also use makeup remover oil, causing pore blockage and acne. In fact, for the skin, oil removal is a mild and effective way to remove makeup. Many people who use makeup remover oil have deteriorated skin. The problem is that the massage method is too heavy, or the final step of facial cleanser is not thoroughly clean enough, and that the ingredients are not suitable for their skin, so good things should be used correctly in order to exert positive energy.

          1. Oil selection according to skin

          The most important component of makeup remover oil is oil, which accounts for about 60% of the total, followed by 10%-20% of the interfacial activator, which can emulsify in water and remove makeup effectively. Once again, brands will add essential oils, flavors and other ingredients according to their demands, and finally they will be preservatives. As the most important ingredient, "oil" determines the safety and effect of the product. The following three types of "oil" are the most commonly used in brands.

          Mineral oil:

          No polar oil, mild texture, the highest purity of mineral oil is generally used as baby skin care oil, but also as wound, eye ointment dressing. Because there is no polarity, the ability to dissolve makeup is weak. The higher the purity of mineral oil, the safer the skin.

          How to distinguish: Oil film is very thick, smear will have the feeling of being blocked by oil film, not easy to wash.

          Suitable for skin: sensitive skin, not strong makeup, or very mindful of mild makeup oil MM.

          Vegetable oil:

          Natural oils with slightly polar properties are very mild and have little difference in safety from mineral oils. Because it is easy to be oxidized, the formula added to makeup oil usually has the shortest shelf life, so few brands use pure vegetable oil as makeup oil. One is high cost, the other is short shelf life.

          How to distinguish: Over a year, you can obviously smell the odor of oil. If the makeup remover you buy emphasizes a pure vegetable formula, and it has been used for more than a year without any odor, it means that the brand is not telling the truth.

          Suitable for skin: sensitive skin, weak makeup, or plant-controlled M M.

          Synthetic esters:

          Generally, synthetic esters (IPM isopropyl tetradecanoate, IPP isopropyl hexadecanoate) with polarity and low molecular weight are used in cosmetic oil. The synthetic ester has high polarity and strong solubility and permeability to dirt, so it has the best cosmetic removing effect. But because of the small molecule, there is a relative risk of skin allergy caused by infiltration. It is recommended to use this kind of makeup remover oil. Don't spend too long on your face. Rinse it as soon as possible.

          How to distinguish: Remove makeup quickly and cleanly.

          Suitable for skin: Frequently make-up or waterproof makeup, blackhead acne more, nose always wash dirty people.

          2. Choosing the Gateway

          1. How to choose makeup remover oil which will not bring negative effects to skin?

          Go to the pharmacy to buy a comfortable breathable bandage, and then go to the cosmetics counter to choose a kind of makeup remover oil you like to apply on the cotton pad in the middle of the bandage, stick it on the skin inside the elbow of the upper arm, tear it open 24 hours later to see if there are red spots or keloids on the skin, if not, you can rest assured to buy.

          2. There are many kinds of make-up remover oils, there are added skin care components, there are added antioxidant factors, really useful?

          Do you buy makeup remover oil for skin care or antioxidant? Of course not, it can do a good job of removing makeup, is an excellent makeup remover, so you don't need to consider these when choosing, as long as you choose the appropriate products according to your own situation, mild and can remove makeup. As for other effects, if they are all surprises, don't worry about them. After all, you don't buy them for moisturizing milk.

          3. What are the taboos of using makeup remover?

          Avoid contact with oral mucosa, do not get into the eyes, suppurative and inflamed skin are not recommended.

          3. Four steps to use oil correctly

          Pour the makeup remover oil into the palm of your hand and apply it on your dry face.

          2. Massage gently on the face for about 2 minutes until the makeup comes out. Attention must be paid to gentle manipulation (rubbing the face red is absolutely undesirable, which not only stimulates the skin, but also easy to press dirty things into the pore), massage must be patient.

          (3) wipe off the cleansing oil from the eyes and lips with a semi wet towel or sponge, then gently press it on the face with warm water. The cleansing oil will be emulsified and washed away with warm water. The best water temperature is 38 ~40 C.

          (4) Use facial cleanser to wash your face normally. Massage should still be gentle and patient. Pay attention to the junction of face and hair and the negligible dead corners of chin. Finally rinse with warm water.

          • Phone

            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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