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          Cosmetic knowledge
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          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

          Contact : Mr. Yang

          Phone:132 6667 9487



          Address: 4th Floor, Building A, 30A, Xiwang Industrial Zone, Tiantangwei Village, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

          Cosmetic knowledge
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          How many special uses do you know of Beautiful Eggs?

          Release time:2019-07-20 14:08:22  Number of visits:969

          To all the guys, this "egg like" thing is called Beautiful Eggs, which is used for makeup by girls and is usually used as foundation. But Beautiful Eggs is not the only simple use. It has many convenient uses that even some girls don't know very well. Now let me explain them to you.

          Modify eyebrows

          Sometimes we find that the color of eyebrows is not so uniform after melting. Beautiful Eggs are used to gently press the eyebrows and sweep the excess eyebrow powder, which can make our eyebrows look more natural and refreshing.

          Skin Care Cream

          Usually when we apply skin care lotion on our face, it will feel greasy and not so well absorbed, but with Beautiful Eggs, this will not happen. Using Beautiful Eggs to dip in the emulsion and gently pat the face, it will absorb very well, and it will not be so greasy.

          Drawing outlines

          Beautiful Eggs have a special edge that fits the outline of the facial features, so using Beautiful Eggs to dip in the bottom makeup and apply it gently with the tip will make the makeup look very natural.

          Removal of makeup

          Beautiful Eggs can also be used to remove hard-to-remove makeup by dipping the product in Beautiful Eggs, removing the corners of the eyes and mouth with a pointed position, and then removing the stubborn makeup on the eyelids and chin with a round head position.

          • Phone

            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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