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          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

          Contact : Mr. Yang

          Phone:132 6667 9487



          Address: 4th Floor, Building A, 30A, Xiwang Industrial Zone, Tiantangwei Village, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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          Eyelashes are always not curly enough, you need to know these tips!

          Release time:2019-07-20 14:12:03  Number of visits:1146

          1. Choose the right tools:

          I used to think that eyelash clips were almost the same, so I bought a kind of eyelash clip in a jewelry store which was similar to non-print products. Later, my friend told me that this eyelash clip was not curly at all. I realized the importance of the eyelash clip. I always thought I was handicapped before, and then I changed to a non-print eyelash clip, which was much better rolled than before. Eyelashes curl, which has better use, is recommended to me.

          2. Volume technique

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          One eye is rolled twice on the left and right sides. Use the top of the eyelash clip to the top of the eyelid. Hold the eyelash root as far as possible. Then clip the left part and move the eyelash clip to the upper left side while clipping the right part, while clipping the eyelash clip to the upper right side. Next eyelashes should be clipped upside down.

          3. The strength of the volume:


          When clipping the eyelashes at the root of the eyelashes, the stronger the force is, the lighter the force is, so that the eyelashes will clip more curly.

          4, Brush Mascara techniques:


          Brushing two or three times is enough. There are different brushing methods for upper and lower eyelashes. The first time the upper eyelashes should be brushed from the root to play a supporting role, and the second time the middle of the eyelashes should be brushed upward to make the eyelashes reflect the feeling of extension. The lower eyelashes should start from the root of the eyelashes to make the eyelashes lighter.

          • Phone

            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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