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          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

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          Source response garbage classification, cosmetics enterprises can do what?

          Release time:2019-07-20 13:48:03  Number of visits:1021

          Following the implementation of compulsory waste classification in Shanghai, 46 key cities in China will follow up.

          Behind the garbage classification, it is actually a positive promotion of environmental protection. However, in the cosmetics industry, there are still some problems, such as excessive packaging, packaging pollution, product surplus and so on. Source reduction is obviously more critical than garbage classification at the end of the chain.

          What can the packaging and manufacturing enterprises in the cosmetics chain do?

          Reducing Overpacking

          "The implementation of garbage classification policy means that the era of brand winning by over-packaging may be over."

          In the view of Wang Qi, the planning director of Guangzhou Tianmai Advertising Co., Ltd., there are over-packaging phenomena in the field of big health or daily chemical industry, and the use of non-degradable plastic packaging is also too serious. "It will become a trend to simplify the process and reduce the application of polluting technology."

          Wang Qi holds the same view as Wu Feihan, general manager of Guangzhou Iridium Limei Packaging Material Co., Ltd. "At present, many mask, cream, cream, milk, in order to attract more eyes, will cover two layers of membrane." However, he suggested that the film covered on the carton could be reduced, and only the outer layer of cigarette film could be retained to achieve moisture-proof, anti-counterfeiting and dust-proof.

          "We will try our best to develop concise packaging, avoid complex processes, and use degradable and recyclable materials as far as possible." Li Daoyang, general manager of Guangzhou Liji Packaging Technology Co., Ltd., said that environmental protection packaging embodies in easy recycling and reuse, and packaging waste does not produce secondary pollution.

          In fact, in order to combat the disorder of over-packaging, the National Standards Bureau issued relevant policies from 2009 to 2018 to restrict the over-packaging requirements of commodities, such as "Restricting the over-packaging of commodities requires food and cosmetics (for comments)" which contains "the net content of labels on cosmetics should be less than 10% of the packaging void rate of labeled volume". The net content labeling quality or other packing voidage should be less than or equal to 30%. There is a clear stipulation.

          Product Use Substitute Package

          "Cosmetics in packaging materials can be used more recyclable packaging materials, such as replacement packages, so as to reduce waste of resources."

          But Wang Hao, general manager of Shenzhen Weiqi Pharmaceutical Research and Development Co., Ltd., laughs that brands or channels should also guide consumers to use up the cosmetics they buy as much as possible, which is the best environmental protection.

          In fact, according to the Chinese makeup website reporter, replacement outfits are relatively popular in Japanese, Korean and European and American enterprises, with Jiaolan, Sephora and Dior as representatives, introducing replacement outfits in the field of makeup. On the one hand, it advocates recycling; on the other hand, it saves the production cost of enterprises.

          In recent years, many local cosmetic brands have also taken the lead in introducing replacement packages, such as Blue Moon's self-supporting bag replacement packages, which have been widely recognized by the market. A 1 kg self-supporting bag replacement pack showed 100,000 + sales in Skycat last month. Natural Hall, Ou Shiman and other products in the air cushion powder cream category have also introduced replacement core replacement packs. This is the case.


          Brand Initiative Container Recycling

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            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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