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          Cosmetic knowledge
          Contact us

          Dongguan Yifeng Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

          Contact : Mr. Yang

          Phone:132 6667 9487



          Address: 4th Floor, Building A, 30A, Xiwang Industrial Zone, Tiantangwei Village, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

          Cosmetic knowledge
          Current position:Home>>News>>Cosmetic knowledge
          How to quickly restore skin moisture overnight.
          It is said that night is the golden time for skin to recuperate, nourish and regenerate, and reserve vitality. If we can......
          How to get rid of red blood silk? Are you ready for the most effective season change?
          1. Stimulated by ClimateYangchun March, the rapid warming of temperature, is the high incidence of various skin diseases......
          Select makeup remover oil according to skin quality and remove it until it is clean.
          In cosmetic products, the most controversial is whether to use or not the makeup oil? How to use it? Now the mystery is ......
          Dry skin can't be washed with any facial milk
          Dry skin quality can be said to be the best skin quality except for neutral skin. Desert skin, but there will be no othe......
          How many special uses do you know of Beautiful Eggs?
          To all the guys, this "egg like" thing is called Beautiful Eggs, which is used for makeup by girls and is usua......
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            • 132 6667 9487
          • 451269171@qq.com
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